Lärare Göteborgs Tantrafestival

På sidan just nu är lärarna från vårens festival...
Det kommer att uppdateras med lite nya lärare och deras workshops under våren/sommaren. 
Vi är väldigt glada och tacksamma att här kunna presentera dessa fantastiskt proffsiga lärare/ workshophållare/föreläsare som kommer att dela med sig av sina gåvor under festivalen. De är alla människor som vi känner i hjärtat och som vi vet att de kommer ge er fina upplevelser. Här kan du läsa om dem, se deras hemsidor och få några ord om de workshops de ska hålla. Informationen kommer uppdateras efter hand. Texten om dem samt om deras workshops är på engelska. Workshops av svenska lärare kommer att hållas på både svenska och engelska beroende på behov. Utländska workshophållare håller sina workshops på engelska. 

Sara Stenlind 

" TantraYoga - the Feminine essence"   "Enrich your sexuality/Berika din sexualitet! "
" Awaken & explore your sensitivity  "

Sara is a lively soul that with pedagogic & humor leads workshops, retreats and give lectures, for those who want to be and feel alive! With Sara, you can count on both somatic and energetic experiences and she invites you to use both intellect and intuition, focus and release, immense power and sensitive pleasure. Always in a safe space. Welcome to explore – embrace – expand! Since 2018, Sara run her company "All of Life" with the guideline "people that feel good - do good". With over 25 years of experience, training and conscious personal development in several areas such as a police officer, healer, bodyworker and tantric teacher - she contributes to Gothenburg's Tantra Festival as a workshop leader. She is also a teacher of acroyoga, body love yoga, tantrayoga & meditation as well as a practitioner in several areas of body-, energy- and counseling therapy such as Tantra massage, Dearmouring healing, Coaching/guiding, Therapeutic flying. Should you wish, it is possible to book individual session/s a couple of days before and after the festival. Sara work both on site and online. She also accepts couple and group bookings. More information: www.alloflife.se https://boka.se/alloflife https://www.facebook.com/alloflife.se


"TantraYoga - the Feminine essence "Warmly welcome to a moment for you; with soft movements, where you follow your breath and let everything be present and felt. In Tantra Yoga we offer our bodies to open to more life energy but a little extra focus for opening sensual flows, followed by integration for your innermost self. Soft and unprestigious. It's about exploring the sensual and sexual energy inside your own body, without either suppressing it or acting it out. It is in the space between these two extremes that we can meet ourselves as sexual beings in depth. Welcome home to your feminine essence…

"Enrich your sexuality/Berika din sexualitet! "Warmly welcome to an inspiring lecture about the possibilities of opening up our bodies for increased energy, pleasure and full-body orgasms. We also talk about how you can let your experiences of mindfulness, yoga, meditation, tantra, healing, etcetera, enrich your intimate encounters - with yourself and others. Sara talks openly and heartily about her exploration of how our energy body and physical body can react to different types of stimulation, as well as how she herself developed in her sexuality "from sex to magic"! In addition, you will receive concrete tips on how you can increase your sensitivity and enjoy more of you, and of you and your partner. You are most welcome to ask questions both during and in the end. What are you curious about? The lecture will be in swedish or english, depending on the audience.

"Awaken & explore your sensitivity"  We are energy. We are body. We are individuals... and we can be in total unity.. if and when we choose to. Welcome to slow down and tap into the sensitivity with another human being, to open up and connect your energy- and physical bodies. . Welcome to a space were you will be guided into giving and recieving, and to do both simultanously. Welcome to the possibility of feeling presence and pleasure - all over, all within (no physical penetration). Couple up before the workshop. Underwear or more - you decide in the moment.

Smrati Skog

"Tantrahappening- meeting in the now"
"Tantric Breathwork"

Smrati Skog has lived, and worked as a therapist and teacher, at the Osho Resort in Pune, India for 18 years. She has also given courses, training and sessions, in many parts of the world. She practices with the body, feelings and guides us to reconnect with our inner depths. Smrati is passionate about these matters, likes to share her knowledge with us and also explore herself deeper - whether it is about tantra exercises with a partner, resting in Aqua Floating, deep breathing during a massage session or about life itself. To her, meeting and practicing together with people, who want to be true to themselves, is a gift. Smrati offers courses, trainings and provides Tantra sessions (for singles and couples), Rebalancing massage and TantraPulsation. 


"Tantrahappening-meeting in the now"

How can I relax and just be myself in the meeting with a (new) person?
In this workshop we start with connecting with ourselves before playing with others and meeting moment to moment. Recieveing each moment, as it unfolds in myself in contact with others.To reconnect with our inner depth. Through deepened contact with the body , feeling and being - here and now!

" Tantric Breathwork" Pulsation breathwork
You will be guided through a long breathsession where you can open up to whatever feeling that wants to be met. A beautiful way to come home to yourself.

 Jarno Kinnunen

"Sacred union- tantra for couples" "Tantrahappening- meeting in the now"
"Tantric Breath"

Jarno Kinnunens journey to well-being led him to delve into various spiritual and energy practices, including kundalini yoga, tantra, and breathwork. Through this exploration, he discovered the profound impact of life force energy on his mental, emotional, and physical well-being. Now, sharing this discovery has become his mission and passion. As a breathwork facilitator and tantra therapist, Jarno's approach is characterized by his grounded, balanced, and soft masculine presence, creating a safe space for participants to embark on a transformative journey of self-discovery and healing. He helps individuals unlock the potential of their life force energy, leading to a more fulfilled and vibrant existence. Based in the Gothenburg region of Sweden, Jarno holds weekly breathwork group sessions and offers individual breathwork and bodywork sessions. He also facilitates breathwork and tantra workshops at festivals and retreats. Together with his partner Paula Nygren he facilitates "Sacred Union- Tantra for Couples"Questions, requests and booking at hello@newlevel.nu


"Sacred Union- tantra for couples"Explore the magic of tantra with a partner (Your beloved or someone you just met).

We will guide you into a deep meeting in presence, a melting together where you give space to your hearts and bodies to really open. Recieving each moment as it unfolds in the meeting, nothing to performe and no goal. But with tantric breath, touch and movement we invite the magic to happen between you . Maybe you can even feel the connection to the infinite... We welcome you to explore a Sacred Union where you can be the God and Goddess that you are.

"Tantrahappening-meeting in the now" 

How can I relax and just be myself in the meeting with a (new) person?
In this workshop we start with connecting with ourselves before playing with others and meeting moment to moment. Recieveing each moment, as it unfolds in myself in contact with others.To reconnect with our inner depth. Through deepened contact with the body , feeling and being - here and now!

" Tantric Breathwork" Pulsation breathwork
You will be guided through a long breathsession where you can open up to whatever feeling that wants to be met. A beautiful way to come home to yourself.

Bas van der Tang

" Oh Yes Please! "
" Kinky Time "

 Bas van der Tang
I have always been an explorer. My journey has led me via plantmedicine to exploring Reiki, bodydearmouring, breathwork, deep consent work and Tantric BDSI. Along the journey I have dived into non-duality, Taoism, Zen and been working as a Human Design coach for a number of years now. I have stepped away from calling myself a seeker of truth, because that implies that there is something to be found. Instead I try to live truth, to the best of my capabilities, and sometimes I utterly fail. I walk along with people on their path, if they ask me, be it as a coach, sharing from my own experiences and reflecting on their situation. Mostly I see myself as the one who throws pebbles in the water and watch the ripples appear and move outward, all by themselves. I believe in the power of the Self, the capability of healing ourselves, with the right help and being open to live showing us the way, if we let it and notice the sign along the way. At the same time, I believe in the power of connection, and the importance of working together on healing ourselves, so that we all may grow. 
"Oh Yes Please! " 
In this workshop we will build on the foundation of consent, trusting that you know a little bit of what you might want to receive from another and what your limits are. In a playful way we will explore the foundations of consent, engage in contact with others and explore receiving and giving touch. We will practice making requests or coming to agreements on who is doing the action and who is it for.

"Kinky Time"
In this workshop we will explore the realms of tantric, consent based Kink, or BDSI (Bondage Dominance Surrender Impact-play) we will look into turning fantasies into a scene, negotiations - how to set it up, Dom/Sub energies, flogging, spanking and we will ofcourse have ample space to play. Bring any toys you might have; floggers, paddles, ropes, forks, spatula, it is all welcome. Get curious about your Kink and give yourself an opportunity, however briefly, to be naughty and play, as you maybe have never done before. And maybe, if it is all a bit much, you just want to come and be in the space and look around the candy shop - Voyeurisme is a beautiful form of Kink, when done right.

Paula Nygren

"Women Rising- explore your Kali energy"
"Sacred Union- tantra for couples"

Paula Nygren  is a passionate sexsibilitycoach, tantric bodyworker and experienced tantrateacher. She is much appreciated for her joyful way to create a very loving & safe space where you can expand, heal and experience more Lust in Life. She guides you into the magic of tantra and wants to inspire you to be authentic and more of that beautiful God and Goddess that you are!

Paula gives private sessions for both singles and pairs and she facilitates different workshops and a longer training for Women: “Women Rising- Tantric Training for the Modern Godess”. Together with her partner Jarno she facilitates beautiful “Sacred Union- Tantra for Couples” retreats and days. 

She is the organizer of Göteborgs Tantrafestival.



"Women Rising- Explore your Kali energy"
Welcome to a journey into deeper sisterhood, selflove, power & pleasure. A journey within yourself & together with your sisters. We will explore some aspects of the powerful Goddess Kali. We will dive into the mystery of shaktienergy. We will both meditate and land with our sisters and we will dance wildly and be fiercefully. We invite our inner Kalis to take us beyond limitations... With Kalis helps we can hear our inner voice clear and feel connection with the Powerful Goddess inside of us.  So come enjoy and rise together!

"Sacred Union- Tantra for Couples"

Explore the magic of tantra with a partner (Your beloved or someone you just met).

We will guide you into a deep meeting in presence, a melting together where you give space to your hearts and bodies to really open. Recieving each moment as it unfolds in the meeting, nothing to performe and no goal. But with tantric breath, touch and movement we invite the magic to happen between you . Maybe you can even feel the connection to the infinite...  We welcome you to explore a Sacred Union where you can be the God and Goddess that you are.

Liv Seiff

"Welcome to the pleasuredome"
"Sex Magic"

Liv Seiff is a tantra-teacher, hosting raw and effective courses and workshops in ecstatic practice and energy-orgasms. With her vitality, strong presence and raw energy, Liv Seiff is a skilled and entertaining lecturer and course holder. She has a fearless, rough and humorous way of teaching filled with love and kindness, making people feel safe, seen - and energized.  

 She is a self-taught tantra-teacher and has been teaching her workshops since 2018. Working with Reiki energy plunged her into sexual energy - and a new understanding of energy all together. Liv Seiff lives off-grid in the Oslo area.



"Shake Up! Welcome to the Pleasuredome"

The awesome party-version of Liv’s magic workshops. A high-energy workshop, where we're going to build up a lot of sexual energy through powerful energetic orgasmic breathing and orgasmic shaking, wild orgasmic dancing and lots of hugs.  We will use Liv’s orgasmic breathing – Liv’s orgasmic shaking. We will do the orgasmic breathing and shaking again and again, building amazing amounts of sexual energy.

All with humor, joy, lots of energy and rawness. Add awesome music with explicit lyrics and a fireworks-tantra teacher, and you have a room filled with ecstasy. And yes. There will be an exquisite Lovetunnel and a meditation too.

Come. Dance. Enjoy. Shake. And come. Suitable for both beginners and the very experienced. We work solo, apart from the hugs.

  " Sex magic " 

The world is a magic place. Full of possibilities and rawlife force. Anything can happen – the best of things too. There are many ways to get your wishes fulfilled. Many ways to manifest what we need and want in life. One of the most wonderful ways to do wish magic is to use the sexual energy – the life force itself. And that's what we're going to do at this workshop. Use Sex Magic. This is a high-energy workshop where we will dance, move and shake in several turns. We will also use strong breathing exercises. We're going to get rid of old stuck energy. Then we're going to build up a lot ofsexual energy. Then we'll make a wish. Absolutely magical!

Lore Blanche

"Connective Ropes: Holding & Being Held "
"The Desire Temple: Playful, Kinky & Connected"

Lore Blancke is a seasoned guide at the intersection of playfulness and sacred healing. With a deep reverence for the body's wisdom, Lore crafts transformative experiences that celebrate unobstructed aliveness, fostering creativity, healing, and well-being. Her approach artfully blends the joys of slowing down and regulating the nervous system with the thrill of exploring life's edges, from the realms of kink to the realms of gentle, mindful presence. Armed with a Bachelor of Science in Osteopathy, Lore's expertise extends through a diverse spectrum of modalities, including breathwork, massage, consent work, and constellation work. She is a maestro in weaving together cyclical living, authentic relating, embodied intimacy, and conscious sexuality into her practice. Lore’s work is a testament to her belief in the power of integrating pleasure as a pathway to healing, inviting a deeper connection with ourselves and others. Read more on www.intimate-breath.com

"The Desire Temple: Playful, Kinky & Connected"
  In this temple of desires, we begin with a facilitated opening, engaging you in light-hearted, kinky interactions to ignite your adventurous spirit. We'll set the space's sacred rules, after which you can watch the temple transform into an open playground. This blend of structured beginnings and free exploration offers a safe, held environment for authentic connections and delightful discoveries. This space embraces the whole spectrum of flavors, from tender and nurturing to kinky or deeply erotic. 
"Connective Ropes: Holding & Being Held"  
Dive into a workshop that intertwines the art of rope play with the dynamics of polarity, creating a rich tapestry of intimate connection. Experience the tender balance of giving and receiving support, using ropes as a medium to communicate beyond words. The emphasize is on holding and being held rather than technique and knots. No ropes or previous skills required. You can join alone or in duo.

Anders Wilmann

"Men`s Circle" "Embodied Meetings"

Anders Wilmann is a certified yoga teacher with over 20 years of experience and self-development has been the focus throughout his life. His experience comes from personal experience, literature, workshops and courses, and his background is rather broad; ranging from personal trainer to massage & bodywork, martial arts and meditation, with the later years studying with Embodied Intimacy. Anders is passionate about men’s work and relational theory, and he leads weekly gatherings with themes like brotherhood, shadow-work, integrity and growth. He’s got experience with Circling, Forum, Authentic Relating, Radical Honesty og NVC.

www.anderswilmann.com   www.mannfolk.org


"Men´s Circle"

Our objective here is to utilise the circle as a tool for the advancement of our masculinity, enabling men to come together and aid one another in becoming the best versions of themselves. Through Embodiment Practices, Circling and paired work, we establish an environment where we can embrace vulnerability and authenticity in the company of other men. This involves shedding the figurative "mask" and moving away from isolation in order to cultivate a sense of brotherhood.

"Embodied Meetings" 

An embodiment workshop that’s about finding a meeting point with another person and connecting without words. Without an agenda or having to look a certain way, we play using sound, breath, movement and touch. We explore what is alive in the unique constellation in this particular moment through the primal dialogue between two bodies. Allowing, honouring and giving an expression to urges, desires and impulses in a safe container. There will be a system for pairing up and you’ll get to explore several different people and meetings throughout the workshop.

Manora Nyström

"How to survive a tantra festival and get the most out of it"
"Manoras restaurant"
" "Triggercare and tantric life after the festival"   "

Manora Nyström

She  use to facilitate workshops at Ängsbacka and coordinate emotional support. She will also attend as a workshop leader at Nytorps tantrafestival and Gotlands tantra festival. Today Manora is focusing on her work as a tantratherapist and gives trauma treatment both to individual, groups and families. She also helps couple with communication and intimacy issues. Manora have courses in tantric lifestyle for beginners, healing throu pleasure and Self- Love and Bodyhealing evenings in Stockholm. Her intention is to heal people’s hearts. She uses her degree in social science and knowledge as a social worker and tantra therapist, to support clients to heal from old trauma and find their path in life. Manora has helped people for about 25 years including (among other things), dependency - and codependency issues, suicide prevention, physical/emotional – and sexual abuse, as well as children and youth with self-injurious behavior.



"How to survive a tantra festival and get the most out of it" 

Det här är för dig som är ny och relativt ny inom tantriska sammanhang. Tillsammans ta vi reda på och får en förståelse för tantriska kommunikation och kulturella beteenden som gör att du också kan känna dig delaktig och inkluderad under helgens festival. Vi kommer att praktiskt träna på hur det känns att tillämpa samtyckeshjulet och hur du kan ta hand om dina gränser, se dina möjligheter och våga utforska i en trygg gemenskap. Ett litet tips sätt redan nu en intention för din helg och låt det vägleda dig i dina val av workshops.

"Manoras Restaurant"  

Welcome to my restaurant and taste my delicious menu. This is an advance meeting (beginners are also welcome) and only you can decide how hungry you are. You will also act like a server with your dinner companions to make sure they get all the flavors they wish for. Some of my spices are very hot and others are more smooth. The deserts are o my god so sweet. So choose from your heart and I dare you to be a little bit wild and maby taste something totally new.

Tillägg: att man behöver boka bord hos Manora innan workshopen. möjliga bokningar är: parbord monogama, flersamhetsbord på 3 st polyamorösa/öppna relationer och singelbord där man blir ihopsatt med andra. Man skall vara uppklädd för middagsdate inifrån och ut. Alla samlas i rummet utanför restaurangen och sedan kommer jag och Maria att ropa upp namn och visa er till bords.

"Triggercare and tantric life after the festival"  

Ni kommer att få dela er festival resa och tillsammans kommer vi att titta på vilka triggers som kan ha väckts upp under festivalen men också hur vi kan fortsätta den tantriska vägen efter festivalen när livspirret har lagt sig. Vi avslutar med en hjärtmedititation där du kan släppa taget och bjuda in det du vill ha mer av i ditt liv.

Li Tadaa

"Grow up-"
"Life is Rythm"
"Queer at heart"

Li Tadaa  is a holistic therapist has studied and researched embodiment for the last 15 years. Through practicing meditation, dance therapy, and somatics they have cultivated the understanding of the nervous system that they combine with teachings of conscious sexuality and dance traditions around the globe, especially from southern Africa. Li has the unique capacity to guide people into the body, accessing all emotions on the spectrum from joy and pleasure to fear and pain. Through her programs, Li has helped over a thousand people to reconnect with their inner safety and joy. On top of their years of working with dance, tantra, conscious kink and sex education, Li has studied the wheel of consent with Betty Martin, NARM with Laurence Heller, is in the first year of the family constellation training and is finishing her studies to become a certified Somatic Experiencing Practitioner.  


"Grow Up - Mastering Rejection"
To not be afraid of rejection is the ultimate freedom of life. It's a natural process that we should have learnt if we grew up with safe attachment and learning to know our inner worth. Everyone is not for us, and that is not only ok, it is right. What is meant to be we do not need to chase. Come for a somatic experience learning to reject and be rejected.

"Life is Rhythm" - With guest teacher Celso Paco on the drums Music and dance has always been a tool for expression of emotions, community and healing. Don't expects something small, but come dance and use the sound of the African drums to bring in the transformation that you are looking for this festival. You can belong and be all of you at the same time. Liberate you emotions your sexuality and your true self.

"Where non-duality meets the non-binary" Welcome for journey to experience the true nature of our non binary spirits. From this place this body is just a temple for expressions, energies and emotions. We can be feminine, masculine, a man or a woman, and even more so - everything in between. This is for you who want to have an experience of flowing between genders. All genders and sexualities welcome but I cannot guarantee that you exit the same way.

Barbara Voltolini

"Tantric Shadow work"
" Tantric Heart tempel"

Barbara Bella Voltolini 
is deeply fascinated by the mystery of Life. She is an
holistic therapist with a solid background in trauma healing, shadowwork and
energy healing which she performs using different techniques. After meeting
Tantra, her whole life was transformed. She got fully back into thewisdom of
her energy and body. Now she loves to support the body in getting into balance
and releasing old traumas and stuck energy using dearmouring and craniosacral therapy. She has created an alchemic processin her own journey, facing
her shadows, traumas and ego and transforming them into Awareness. Her
mission isto support other people in doing the same. She is from Italy but gives sessions and holds workshops both in Norway and Sweden.

"Tantric shadow work" A deep journey into the shadow side we all have, with specific focus on sexuality, body and pleasure... Open up for acknowledging your shadow and you will be guided in transforming it.

"Tantric Heart Temple"   
On saturday night you are welcome to this temple.
A soft, non-sexual space for tantric meetings, eye gazing, cuddling, touch. Join to relax, meet and connect. The temple is a drop-in space open to single and couples… bring someone or meet a new friend here.  Tantric Heart Temple is a  Heart centered temple for cuddling and meeting in a tantric way.

Anna Caballero

"Soundjourney - Heartconnection with yourself and your inner desires"
"Soundjourney- find your inner guide"
"Meetings in the heart"

Anna Caballero’s mission in life isto help people to opening up the communication
to the heart, to really listen to what our body is telling us and from there live an
authentic life TO THE FULLEST! Guiding people to inviting MORE into their life,
more happiness, pleasure, joy! Whatever gives them those bubbles on the inside,
Open up for the possibility that there is more out there!
Anna has been working as a life coach, both individually and with groups, for over 20
years. Her goal in life is to guide people into opening their heart och from there live a
happier more fulfilled life, growing into the best possible version of themselves! To
connect the mindwith the body/ feelings, using techniques assound vibrations
(drumming and singing bowls), healing (reiki, frequency healing,crystals etc.),
mindfullness, Tantra,NLP, Motivational interviewing,solution focused approach

Facebook group grupp, ”Jag VILL, Jag KAN - Jag ÄLSKAR mitt liv!” https://www.facebook.com/groups/615178692781802/ 


"SOUNDJOURNEY- Heartconnection with Yourself and Your inner desires "Anna will take you on a journey within yourself, using drumming, singingbowls, gong, crystals etc . This is a time for YOU, to be in your own space and just land into your own body. Connect with yourself, your heart and your inner true desire

 " Soundjourney - find your inner guide "
Anna will take you on a journey within yourself, using drumming, singingbowls, gong, crystals etc . This is a time for YOU, to be in your own space and just land into your own body. Connect with yourself, your heart, refuel yourself and feel your inner guide.

"Meetings in the heart" You will be guided into your heart and within your heart find your inner desire, what you are truly longing for.  From there you will be guided into meetings with each other. You will be given an opportunity to express your true desire and longing but also creating a safe space for someone else to express what they are truly longing for.

Victor Way

"Yin Yang Yoga for men"
"Tibetan Karmamudra "

Victor is a certified Hatha yoga teacher and Reiki master who divides his time between teaching adults yoga and teaching kids a little bit of everything. He also works as a spiritual coach, is initiated into Tibetan Mahamudra and, once upon a time, was an actor/stuntman, a Cambridge poet and TED Talker, and a national level practitioner of judo and taekwondo. Victor's path has descended down the chakras, from explosive ecstasy to grounding and humanity. He has a decade's worth of experience with ego-dissolution and Kundalini awakening, and has been guiding others through both of these for a few years now. His qualifications as a guide are based partially on years of practical and theoretical study with renowned masters, but mostly on knowing all the holes next to the road – after having fallen into them himself. Expect a contemplative cocktail of traditional Tantra, garnished with herbs and spices from world cuisine and many ages...

"Ying Yang Yoga for Men" This class takes you from Yin to Yang and all the way to Yin-Yang! Yin – We start with introducing a few useful yoga techniques, a Tantric meditation and some calm movements to wake up body, mind and energy Yang - We breathe life into the system with dynamic breathwork and long holds Yin – We finish with Tantric meditation, Shavasana and a beautiful pranayama that unites Yin and Yang

"Tibetan Karmamudra " This is a traditional three-stage Tantric meditation for solos and couples. The first stage is entirely within yourself. Here you learn to move between your sexual poles and activate your inner sexual alchemy. The second stage is solo or with a partner. Here we visualise or co-create a meeting with Divinity, that moves from gentle glances into erotic exchange and touch. The third stage is solo again. We move the sexual energy accumulated through our bodies and chakras for strength, joy, wisdom and health.

Ingela Palmqvist

"Softly touched by healing sounds"
"Healing Concert for integration"

Ingela Palmquist is an internationally trained sound healer and –therapist, multi instrumentalist and singer. She works with acoustic instruments and the voice to reconnect with our deeper, natural being, strenghten the sense of community and to softly expand the heart. Ingela has learned energy/ceremonial work from different elders and shamans in Europe, South America and North America. She is a former award winning and saluted manager, teacher and leader in the business world. She is co-author of the anthology “Embrace Feminine Leadership” and has has therapeutic training in Eastern healing methods such as tantra and yoga. Ingela is the founder of Pilgrimage Healing Academy where she offers trainings and 1:1 sessions in the healing potential of energy and sound through the voice and different instruments.

"SOFTLY TOUCHED BY HEALING SOUND"   Welcome to be warmly embraced by Ingelas beautiful presence, voice and deeply relaxing acoustic instruments. Sometimes life can be overwhelming. This is an opportunity to lay down and to reconnect with your heart, roots and being. With loving songs, grounding beats of the drum, heartopening melodies of the flute and auric enrichening sounds from singing bowls, your are allowed to journey to deep soothing places, or just relax and rejuvinate!

"HEALING CONCERT FOR INTEGRATION"   After a weekend full of heartopening and beautiful connections, its important to give yourself the gift of integration. It is time to slow down and bring your experiences together. This is a sensous and beautiful journey of medicine songs and natural sounds accompanied with the guitar and other instruments. Just sit back or lay down, close your eyes and soar with the eagle, dive with the dolphins and come home to your heart, body and soul.  

Pan Ekbäck

"Body- playfulness"
"Tantric Contact Impro"

Pan is a playful yet deep soul with a background in martial arts, theater, Human Ecology, tantra meditation, shamanism and educational drama. He has for a long time have had a keen interest in inner transition and sustainability. Quite often a wise word or two is shared to inspire us to find courage to be both free and responsible towards each other and our selves. Pan often guide playful and liberating workshops at festivals and burns were all feelings have space to be seen, whether it is a class in tantra, improvisation, consent, dance, breathwork or a cacao ceremony. "A change doesn't always lead to an improvement, but an improvement always starts with a change". Pans mission is to cocreate a softer, more loving, touch positive and, most of all healthy world.

Find your self by being something else. What kind of meeting will appear between a dragon and a mice or a rose and a bee. You might even find yourself in another time and space. In a playful and a present manner let your self be guided to be more you and a lot more juicy.

"Tantric Contact Impro"

Karolina Duraffourd


Karolina is a music and Swedish teacher. She has also immersed herself as a relaxation teacher, dance inspirer, Feng shui consultant and in leadership for graceful living. She sees life as a heartfelt musical where everyone carries their own soundtracks and themes. Let's dance together.

Find your self by being something else. What kind of meeting will appear between a dragon and a mice or a rose and a bee. You might even find yourself in another time and space. In a playful and a present manner let your self be guided to be more you and a lot more juicy.

Asbjörn Andreasen

"Softly touched by healing sounds"
"Healing Concert for integration"

Asbjørn Andreasen is an elder and holder of rites and rites of passage, but primarily he sees himself as an ordinary man who has found his depth over time. He is passionate about opening the heart space between people in a tantric and musical presence. Ingela and Asbjørn create and share music together as an extension of the union of man and woman – the feminine and the masculine, in the same way that Jesus talks about the union between men and women. Asbjørn also travels with Maria Magdalena. For many years, Asbjørn has been dedicated to the male role, the father role and how to act in relation to your father. He also works with coaching and mentoring for men. He originates from Denmark, is a climber and lives in the forest, near the rocks of Bohuslän and the archipelago at the west coast of Sweden


"SOFTLY TOUCHED BY HEALING SOUND"  Welcome to be warmly embraced by Ingelas beautiful presence, voice and deeply relaxing acoustic instruments. Sometimes life can be overwhelming. This is an opportunity to lay down and to reconnect with your heart, roots and being. With loving songs, grounding beats of the drum, heartopening melodies of the flute and auric enrichening sounds from singing bowls, your are allowed to journey to deep soothing places, or just relax and rejuvinate!

"HEALING CONCERT FOR INTEGRATION"  After a weekend full of heartopening and beautiful connections, its important to give yourself the gift of integration. It is time to slow down and bring your experiences together. This is a sensous and beautiful journey of medicine songs and natural sounds accompanied with the guitar and other instruments. Just sit back or lay down, close your eyes and soar with the eagle, dive with the dolphins and come home to your heart, body and soul.  

Välkomna på Göteborgs Tantrafestival